
The POPBox Hockey boards are each uniquely numbered with a serial number and there is a journal entry for each one. These journal entries contain information on where the material to make it came from (reclaimed, contractor scrap, etc), how the build process went (Did we have any struggles making it, was it made in a big run of 6 boards or a small run of 1 or 2, etc), and best of all each will include where the donation part of the profits went!

When the donation supplied by each board is used to buy materials for the donated POPBox Hockey board, an update to the journal will be posted and that will state where the donation board was sent and any feedback received on the benefit from the board. Hopefully this helps to show where YOU, by purchasing a POPBox Hockey board, made a difference! We are toying with the idea of allowing comments so that the board owners can post updates on their boards, ie: Where the board is played on, what is the highest win loss ratio for the owner, if it was passed on or sold, etc. This would be on the owners responsibility but could provide fun information on each board we make, kinda like a traveling log! So check here for your boards journal!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Serial - 201202003MS001PCJH: Mini Size Stained "Hockey Rink"

Serial: 201202003MS001PCJH

This board was the first mini POPBox Hockey board made by RIOT Games.   It was made with a pine gameboard leftover from the first POPBox Hockey full size board and contractor cast away Pine 1x3s bought at a local hardware store. This was the first mini that was made because the owner wondered what to do with the left over pine plywood from the first board.   It was only after this board was made that RIOT Games decided to make mini POPBox Hockey boards. Now the mini POPBox Hockey boards are intended to be the board that can be brought easy to friends houses, trips, campgrounds, you name it! One use the the owner has made of the mini is to keep it at his work desk.  Additionally, they are easier to store than the full sized boards.

This mini  board is stained with the early, no blue line, "Hockey Rink" standard pattern which is a goal crease, a red line on the top of the center board and the blue center ice and red face off circles.  This mini board did not have the blue line yet as this was added to the "Hockey Rink" pattern after its production.  The goal crease and center ice circle were the first water stained colors and the red face off circles were still stained with oil based stain. There is NO goalie options for the mini, there is no need for them! There were/are some imperfections with this board as the build guidelines were still rough and exact locations were not yet determined for the pattern PLUS this was the first mini made!

This board is pictured on the home page and mini POPBox Hockey boards section on  the www.popboxhockey.com main and product page.  This board has quickly become a favorite of the owners oldest son.  The play is fast as the checker or puck bounces around a lot with the smaller board and smaller goal AND the goals come quick with all the bouncing.  That being said, a direct shot needs to be exact with so little give at the goal.

Serial - 201201002FS002PPJH-G: Full Sized Stained "Hockey rink"

Serial Number: 201201002FS002PPJH-G

This board was the second board made by RIOT Games and labeled as a "POPBox Hockey" Board.   It was made with a pine gameboard and contractor cast away Pine 1x4s bought at a local hardware store. These boards were all purchased the same time as the last board.  It was only after this board that the determination to use reclaimed or recycled wood was written in to the RIOT games company goals!  It was made as a gift to one of the owners very good friends sons for his birthday!  We thought it would be a good use for the second board ever made AND this friend was often at the same REC center back in the 1980's were this wooden game was originally played / discovered.

This board is the first to be stained with the "Hockey Rink" standard pattern which is a goal crease, a red line on the top of the center board and the blue center ice and red face off circles.  This board did not have the blue line yet as this was added to the "Hockey Rink" pattern after its production.  The goal crease and center ice circle were the first water stained colors and the red face off circles were still stained with oil based stain.  This board was meant to be a board that can be and should be played hard while withstanding young children abuse! There were some imperfections with this board as some of the build guidelines were still rough and exact locations were not yet determined for the pattern.

This board is also pictured  on the stained full size boards product page on  the www.popboxhockey.com main page.  The owner and his friend have played on this board once and the record stands as the friend has 1 victory, the owner 0.

Serial - 201201001FS001PPJH: Full Size Stained "Elegant"

Serial Number: 201201001FS001PPJH

This board was the VERY first board made by RIOT Games and labeled as a "POPBox Hockey" Board.  Remember the VERY first table top box hockey played with Popsicle sticks and checkers was made by one of the owners and his grandfather for personal play and did not yet have a name nor company behind it. It was made with a pine gameboard and contractor cast away Pine 1x4s bought at a local hardware store.  It was made to build out the specifications of the POPBox Hockey board and play with gameboard design.

This board is stained with the "Elegant" standard pattern which is just a goal crease, no other Hockey lines or circles, and stained with oil stain versus water stain.  This board is meant to be a show pieces but do not mistake it as ONLY a show piece, this pattern can be and should be played hard!  Its just that the adults do not have to put it away when company comes over.

This board is and will always remain as part of the companies in house boards.  You just cannot give up serial number 1 and it has its "learning curve" special features (Mistakes is another word for it).  This board is currently most of the wooden pictures on the www.popboxhockey.com main page.  The owner and his sons due play on this board regularly and as far as can be recalled, the son is about even with Dad on wins versus losses! :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Serial Number Journals Anouncement

We have got the serial numbering system worked out so that you can identify your board on multiple facets! These include; which number overall your board was, which number of the exact model it was (ie: Full Sized Stained is one model), the month and year it was crafted, species of wood used (Oak, Pine, etc), and who the crafter (in the off chance there are ever other crafting persons working for RIOT Games).

We are going back and putting serial numbers on all in stock boards and will have them posted here by Thursday, March 29 2012.  Boards receive a serial number the day the side boards are screwed to the base as this is when the board becomes official.  The only thing that happens after this is polyurethane application (Painted models are already painted), waxing, and labeling.  None of these would cause us to not release a board for sale.