
The POPBox Hockey boards are each uniquely numbered with a serial number and there is a journal entry for each one. These journal entries contain information on where the material to make it came from (reclaimed, contractor scrap, etc), how the build process went (Did we have any struggles making it, was it made in a big run of 6 boards or a small run of 1 or 2, etc), and best of all each will include where the donation part of the profits went!

When the donation supplied by each board is used to buy materials for the donated POPBox Hockey board, an update to the journal will be posted and that will state where the donation board was sent and any feedback received on the benefit from the board. Hopefully this helps to show where YOU, by purchasing a POPBox Hockey board, made a difference! We are toying with the idea of allowing comments so that the board owners can post updates on their boards, ie: Where the board is played on, what is the highest win loss ratio for the owner, if it was passed on or sold, etc. This would be on the owners responsibility but could provide fun information on each board we make, kinda like a traveling log! So check here for your boards journal!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Serial - 201203006MS003PPJH: Mini Size Stained "Hockey Rink" DONATION

Serial: 201203006MS003PPJH  

This mini is a full hockey layout stained mini POPBox Hockey board.  It is the first mini board for sale and is the first board that we have "in stock" :)!  The hockey pattern is the now standard blue goal crease, two red face-off circles, a blue center ice circle, blue lines and a red center line.

This board was made from the remaining pine plywood piece from the first donation full sized board and from 1x3 contractor reject pine boards that we purchased from the local hardware store.  It was made in the same run as the first full sized donation board.  It came out really nice, no major flaws at all, the grain is nice and the game deck finished real glossy and smooth.  The puck really FLIES around on this mini!!   The large side pieces needed to be straightened a bit during assembly as the board had a length wise concave bend to it.  This was easily straightened by screwing down the middles and then pulling the boards out as we glued and screwed in the ends.

This board still has the flawed bottom stain (its the bottom though so we are OK with it! :)) as we determined that the bottom wood burning, serial number placement (Birth of the board!), titling, and staining needs to take place after assembly but before polyurethane begins on the top.  Should make for a cleaner bottom look, we will see with the forthcoming four board run.  This board also has high face-off circles (Red ones).  We may try moving these closer to the goal boards on the next mini board run.

Our proudest mini board to date! Its hard for the staff to give it up (we do still have mini board #1 in house BUT its quality is very sub par to this one)!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Serial - 201202004MS002PCJH: Mini Size Stained "Hockey Rink"

Serial: 201202004MS002PCJH

SECOND RIOT Games POPBox Hockey Donation board!  Wahoo! for our donation goal continuing to materialize!  The board is official tonight, 04/08/2012, as the serial number went on the bottom of the board and the bottom will be stained and poly'ed in the coming week.  This donation POPBox Hockey is the second donation board produced by RIOT Games and is going to the Richfield Public Schools 5th Annual Wellness Expo as a door prize!  This is very exciting for us because our primary goal as a company is to make these boards for donation to youth centers, events that benefit youth, etc!  Congratulations to Richfield on their 5th annual Wellness Expo. congratulations to the family, person, or persons that win the door prize, and if you need information on how to play, etc send me an e-mail and we would be happy to help out!

This board was the second mini POPBox Hockey board made by RIOT Games AND the second donation board!   It was made with a pine game board leftover from the second full size POPBox Hockey board and contractor cast away Cedar 1x3s bought at a local hardware store. Mini POPBox Hockey boards are intended to be the board that can be brought easy to friends houses, trips, campgrounds, you name it! One use the the owner has made of the mini is to keep it at his work desk.  Additionally, they are easier to store than the full sized boards.

This mini  board is stained with the early, no blue line, "Hockey Rink" standard pattern which is a goal crease, a red line on the top of the center board and the blue center ice and red face off circles.  This mini board did not have the blue line yet as this was added to the "Hockey Rink" pattern after its production.  The goal crease and center ice circle were the first water stained colors and the red face off circles were still stained with oil based stain. There is NO goalie options for the mini, there is no need for them! There were/are some imperfections with this board as the build guidelines were still rough and exact locations were not yet determined for the pattern PLUS this was the second mini board made!

The play is fast on the mini boards as the checker piece or puck bounces around A LOT with the smaller board and smaller goal AND the goals come quick with all the bouncing.  That being said, a direct shot needs to be exact with so little give between the pipes!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Serial - 201203005FS003PPJH-D: Full Size Stained "Hockey Rink" DONATION

Serial: 201203005FS003PPJH-D

First RIOT Games POPBox Hockey Donation board!  YES! for our donation goal taking off!!  The board is official tonight, 04/08/2012, as the serial number went on the bottom of the board and the bottom will be stained and poly'ed tomorrow and Monday.  This donation POPBox Hockey is the first EVER donation board produced by RIOT Games!!  This is beyond thrilling for us because our primary goal as a company is to make these boards for donation to youth centers, silent auctions benefiting youth, etc! This boards donation destination has not yet been determined but some leading candidates are on the short list!

This board was the fifth board made by RIOT Games and labeled as a "POPBox Hockey" Board.   It was made with a pine gameboard and contractor cast away Pine 1x4s bought at a local hardware store. These boards all had quality grain in them but they were not very straight.  Much work was put in to straightening them upon construction.  Thankfully, turned out really nice!

This board is the first fully complete board stained with the "Hockey Rink" standard pattern which is a goal crease, a red line on the top of the center board, blue lines, the blue center ice circle, and red face off circles.  This board was the first with the blue lines included as no previous board had them.  The goal crease, the center ice circle, the blue lines, the red face off circles and the center red line are all water stain applied.  This change is now standard (previously we used oil stain for the red circles and lines) as the water stains make much improved lines and circles.  This board was meant to be a board that can be and should be played hard while withstanding young children abuse! There was one imperfection on one of the goal end boards where it was cracked slightly.  This imperfection was kept and is now just part of the boards personality and does not affect gameplay.

This board will be pictured  on the donation full size boards product page as well as a couple shots on  the www.popboxhockey.com main page in the coming week.   Pictures of the board will also be posted here on Monday when the board is complete.
