
The POPBox Hockey boards are each uniquely numbered with a serial number and there is a journal entry for each one. These journal entries contain information on where the material to make it came from (reclaimed, contractor scrap, etc), how the build process went (Did we have any struggles making it, was it made in a big run of 6 boards or a small run of 1 or 2, etc), and best of all each will include where the donation part of the profits went!

When the donation supplied by each board is used to buy materials for the donated POPBox Hockey board, an update to the journal will be posted and that will state where the donation board was sent and any feedback received on the benefit from the board. Hopefully this helps to show where YOU, by purchasing a POPBox Hockey board, made a difference! We are toying with the idea of allowing comments so that the board owners can post updates on their boards, ie: Where the board is played on, what is the highest win loss ratio for the owner, if it was passed on or sold, etc. This would be on the owners responsibility but could provide fun information on each board we make, kinda like a traveling log! So check here for your boards journal!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Serial - N/A Full Size AT&T POPBox Board #3

Photo #1 of the third AT&T Board prior to sanding beginning
This is the third POPBox Hockey full sized board that we are making out of the 30+ year old AT&T Phone room wall mount wood donation we received.  Again, This game board wood is 3/4" thick and good thing as a lot of the wood is being removed to sand them smooth!
History: There were two boards that were pulled off the wall which we were able to cut up and get six total game boards out of.  The edges of the board had some water damage and some was just plain so old it was falling apart.  The CENTER of these boards were salvageable so we took them outside, turned on the old skill saw, and cut them to our specs.  The wood is now cut in to game boards and the wood actually looks FANTASTIC!

Photo #2 of the third AT&T Board showing half way through round 1 of sanding

This third AT&T board is the third POPBox Hockey board of 5 that are being made in this run, a first for us making more than one at a time.  The FRONT of the original AT&T board is going to be the game surface and therefore the glue had to be removed from the back BUT is still present to maintain this boards character! The back was not used as there were some cracks in the wood that would have taken TONS of poly to correct.  There were some old wood valley's but these all but came out during round one of sanding. After round three of sanding we expect the game surface to be mostly smooth but expect that extra layers of Polyurethane will need to be applied to make the play surface glass smooth. There are also two 1/8" screw holes that will be along the goal walls. These holes will be left in the game board as they will not affect game play as they are so close to the wall AND we really believe 30 year old character like this is important to maintain in each board!

Pictures will be posted here as the third AT&T POPBox Hockey board made from the AT&T boards build moves along so that you can see what is done to make these boards!   Eventually this board will receive its serial number and the title will change but for now it is titled as is

 Day 2:

Got the side boards and goal end boards picked for AT&T Board 3.  Next we get them measured and cut, the middle board isnt measured or cut until the entire board is squared up with corner clamps so that the exact size can be determined. The middle board becomes a REAL headache if its too long or too short during the assembly step.

AT&T Board 2 with its sides and goal ends!

Starting to resemble a game board, love it!

We always love the step were the first fit test is done. The boards FINALLY look like something!

Day 3:
We squared up the boards and determined if they need to be trimmed. This board needed no trimming. The goals are cut and the middle board is measured, cut and fitted.  Once its fitted the middle slots are cut. Finally we cut the corner banks and the goalies are now cut. 

All the pieces, waiting to be assmbled

Day 4:
We did a TON of sanding sanding sanding!  Then we did a final dry fit up.  This board lines up nicely but there is one of the long side boards that will need to be straightened during assembly.

Dry fit, Looking Good!

Serial - 201205008fs005mpjh Full Size Stained Full Hockey "AT&T Board #2"

This is the second POPBox Hockey full sized board that we are making out of the 30+ year old AT&T Phone room wall mount wood donation we received.  This game board wood is 3/4" thick, the thickest game boards we have used to date and had wall mount glue on it.

History: There were two boards that were pulled off the wall which we were able to cut up and get six total game boards out of.  The edges of the board had some water damage and some was just plain so old it was falling apart.  The CENTER of these boards were salvageable so we took them outside, turned on the old skill saw, and cut them to our specs.  The wood is now cut in to boards and the wood actually looks FANTASTIC!

Picture of AT&T Board 2 PRIOR to glue being made and any sanding is done.

This second AT&T board is our second POPBox Hockey board that is being sold.!  The back of the original board is going to be the game surface and therefore the glue, which was more than AT&T board #1, had to be completely removed.  After round one of sanding the game surface is SUPER smooth, the glue is gone but there are two 1/8" screw holes that will be along the goal walls. These holes will be left in the game board.  They will not affect game play as they are so close to the wall AND we really believe 30 year old character like this is important to maintain in each board!

Picture 1 of the AT&T Board 2 game surface AFTER the glue was removed

Pictures will be posted here as the second for sale POPBox Hockey board made from the AT&T boards build moves along so that you can see what is done to make these boards!   Eventually this board will receive its serial number and the title will change but for now it is titled as is

Picture 2 of the AT&T Board2 after glue and removed and awaiting the second round of sanding (using finer grit)
Day 2:

Got the side boards and goal end boards picked for AT&T Board 2.  Got them measured and cut to fit, the middle board isn't measured and cut until the board is squared up with corner clamps. The middle board becomes a REAL headache for assembly if its to long or to short.

Boards picked for AT&T Board 2!

We always LOVE this step, fit up makes it look like something!

Day 3:
We squared up the boards and determined if they need to be trimmed. This board had one 1/8 inch trim on one of the long boards AND we had to cut a one of the goal boards completely new!  The old one was cupped beyond use!  The goals are cut and the middle board is measured, cut and fitted.  Once its fitted the middle slots are cut. Finally we cut the corner banks and the goalies are now cut. 

All the pieces except the goalies are present and accounted for, ON TO SANDING!

Day 4:
We did a TON of sanding sanding sanding!  Then we did a final dry fit up.  This board lined up really nicely! We should only need to straighten, a little, one of the long side boards.

Good looking Dry Fit!

COMPLETE (with a couple days in there somewhere):

We decided to try a new stain on this board.  We bought "Pickled White Oak" with the intention of making the playing surface more white like hockey ice.  After first application we stepped back and had initial thoughts of, well flat out, YUK! :)  However, after the second coat of polyurethane it started looking really sharp!! It has made its way in to a solid option!

This boards construction went really well.  No modifications were needed upon gluing and screwing the boards together.  We did put 6 "screws" in to attach the four corners and in to the mid ice board to attach it to the sides AND WHAT A DIFFERENCE!  We have always, to date, used finishing nails and were struggling with obtaining a tight, straight fit using the finishing nails.  We would always get there during construction but it often to a little clamp work to get it done.  Using the screws, the boards sucked in real tight and real straight!  This process is now the new "norm" and we do still use finishing nails to secure the corner boards to the walls (they are also screwed in to the playing surface). 

All in all this board came out fantastic!! It really makes us ecstatic here at POPBox Hockey to see scrap 1x4's and 25+ year old plywood become a game that will hopefully be used, enjoyed, cause a little blood...just a little :) , and make people smile and have fun for another 25+ years!

Thanks to "Beth" for asking us to build this one for her for helping us to get the next donation board (POPBox Hockey Donation full sized board #2) paid for.  It should be delivered in July. 

Thanks again Beth!!

PICS of the final product:

Serial - 201205007fs004mpjh Full Size Stained Full Hockey "AT&T Board #1"

This is the first POPBox Hockey full sized board that we are making out of the 30+ year old AT&T Phone room wall mount wood donation we received.  This game board wood is 3/4" thick, the thickest game boards we have used to date!

History: There were two boards that were pulled off the wall which we were able to cut up and get six total game boards out of.  The edges of the board had some water damage and some was just plain so old it was falling apart.  The CENTER of these boards were salvageable so we took them outside, turned on the old skill saw, and cut them to our specs.  The wood is now cut in to boards and the wood actually looks FANTASTIC!

Pre final sand (The glue was removed previous to tonights work)

Post final first round sanding.  Two more rounds coming but this board, with the glue removed, is looking FANTASTIC!
This first AT&T board is our first POPBox Hockey board that is being sold.!  The back of the original board is going to be the game surface and therefore the glue had to be completely removed.  There are a couple dings in the game surface but they should not be a factor once the poly has set.  Lastly there are two 1/8" screw holes that will be along the goal walls that will be left in.  They will not affect game play as they are so close to the wall AND we really believe character like this is important to maintain in each board!

Pictures will be posted here as the POPBox Hockey board build moves along so that you can see what is done to make these boards!   Eventually these boards will receive their serial number and the title will change but for now they are titles above.

Day 2:

Got the side boards and goal end boards picked for AT&T Board 1.  Then got them measured and cut, the middle board is not measured or cut until the board is squared up with corner clamps so the exact size can be determined. The middle board becomes a REAL headache during assembly if its to long or short.

Side boards and goal end boards. The middle board and corners are also cut from this wood

 Side and goal easy set together to quick check fit!
We always love the step were the first fit test is done. The boards FINALLY look like something!

Day 3:
We squared up the boards and determined if they need to be trimmed. This board had two 1/8 inch trims needed on each of the long boards.  The goals are cut and the middle board is measured, cut and fitted.  Once its fitted the middle slots are cut. Finally we cut the corner banks and the goalies are now cut. 

Day 4:
We did a TON of sanding sanding sanding!  Then we did a final dry fit up.  This board lined up really nicely!

Look at that Board 1 Dry Fit!

This board was completed just before Memroial Day Weekend 2012 and was ultimately purchased as a gift to a 6 year old Hockey Fanatic named "Jake"!  This board had its fair share of issues but in the end came out real smooth and real clean assembled.  The middle board did experience a crack when one of the mounting screws was driven in (First time this has happened) but we poly-ed it 8 times to cover it so not to affect gameplay.  You could say we kind of "Added" our own game imperfection... :).   This board had 7 layers of polyurethane put down on the playing surface, 3 more than normal but I wanted to make this board as smooth as possible as I knew the Hockey guru that was getting it would want SOLID, smooth ice! haha :)

We did our second message burning on the bottom and although it looked good, we know there is still practice / experience needed in this department!  Message burning always makes these boards more personal to us here at POPBox Hockey when we get them completed and that is something we love!!  "Happy 6th Birthday Jakers!"  :)

Letting this board and the other AT&T Popbox Hockey boards go has been tough because it is SO COOL to see scrap 1x4's and 25+ year old plywood constructed in to a new game and hopefully being used, played hard on, smiles all around for another 25+ years!  What an awesome way to help the planet stay a little greener AND provide a fun game for a great kid that will be mastering it for years to come!

Thanks to the two awesome people that thought this would be a good gift idea!!  We surely enjoyed making it!!

NOTE:  We did not get a chance to take pictures of the final product but I believe the two that bought it may have snapped some for us or perhaps the new owner could get a few and e-mail them in.  If I get them Ill put them up.